Josko Ozbolt Ivica Kozar Rolf Eligehausen Goran Periskic

Three-dimensional FE analysis of headed stud anchors exposed to fire - 249-266 p.

In the present paper a transient three-dimensional thermo-mechanical model for concrete is presented. For given boundary conditions, temperature distribution is calculated by employing a three-dimensional transient thermal finite element analysis. Thermal properties of concrete are assumed to be constant and independent of the stress-strain distribution. In the thermo-mechanical model for concrete the total strain tensor is decomposed into pure mechanical strain, free thermal strain and load induced thermal strain. The mechanical strain is calculated by using temperature dependent microplane model for concrete (Ozbolt, 2001). The dependency of the macroscpic concrete properties (young's mudulus, tensile and copressive strengths and fracture energy ) on temperature is based on the available experimental database. The stress independent free thermal strain is calculated according to the proposal of Nielsen, et. al. (2001). The load induced thermal strain is obtained by employing the bi-parabolic model, which was recently proposed by Nielsen, (2004). It is assemed that the total load induced thermal strain is irrecoverable, i.e., creep component is neglected. The model is implemented into a three-dimensional transient thermal FE analysis was carried out for three embedment d


High Temperature
3D Finite Element Analysis
Microplane Model
Thermo-mechanical model
Headed studs