The Effects of Hydrogen Addition on No Formation in Atmospheric-Pressure, Fuel-Rich-Premixed, Burner-Stabilized Methane, Ethane and Propane Flames
Sepman, A.V. Mokhov, A. V.
The Effects of Hydrogen Addition on No Formation in Atmospheric-Pressure, Fuel-Rich-Premixed, Burner-Stabilized Methane, Ethane and Propane Flames - 4474-4481 p.
No Formation
Hcn Formation
Hydrogen Addition
The Effects of Hydrogen Addition on No Formation in Atmospheric-Pressure, Fuel-Rich-Premixed, Burner-Stabilized Methane, Ethane and Propane Flames - 4474-4481 p.
No Formation
Hcn Formation
Hydrogen Addition