Impairment of Nadh Dehydrogenase for Increased Hydrogen Production and its Effect on Metabolic Flux Redistribution in Wild Strain and Mutants of Enterobacter Aerogenes
Ma, Kun Zhao, Hongxin Zhang, Chong
Impairment of Nadh Dehydrogenase for Increased Hydrogen Production and its Effect on Metabolic Flux Redistribution in Wild Strain and Mutants of Enterobacter Aerogenes - 15875-15885 p.
Enterobacter Aerogenes
Fermentative Hydrogen Production
Metabolic Flux Analysis
Impairment of Nadh Dehydrogenase for Increased Hydrogen Production and its Effect on Metabolic Flux Redistribution in Wild Strain and Mutants of Enterobacter Aerogenes - 15875-15885 p.
Enterobacter Aerogenes
Fermentative Hydrogen Production
Metabolic Flux Analysis