Synthesis of Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide/Y-Alumina and Surfactant-Capped Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Activities in Oxidative Cleavage of Oleic Acid
Kerenkan, Amir Enferadi Elio, Aime Serge Echchahed, Bousselham Do, Trong-on
Synthesis of Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide/Y-Alumina and Surfactant-Capped Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Activities in Oxidative Cleavage of Oleic Acid - 899-907 p.
Oleic Acid
Synthesis of Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide/Y-Alumina and Surfactant-Capped Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Activities in Oxidative Cleavage of Oleic Acid - 899-907 p.
Oleic Acid