International Conference on Hydro Transport 6 of Solids in Pipes Hydraulic Transport of Solids in Pipe 6th Kent Centerbury Sep 26th-28th 1979 2
International Conference on Hydro Transport 6 of Solids in Pipes Hydraulic Transport of Solids in Pipe 6th Kent Centerbury Sep 26th-28th 1979 2
- Bedford : BHRA the Fluid Engineering Centre, c1979
- XIX, 563 p.
v. 2.
Bulk Solids Handling Congresses
Bulk Solids Transportation Congresses
Hydraulic Conveying Congresses
621.8672 / INT
v. 2.
Bulk Solids Handling Congresses
Bulk Solids Transportation Congresses
Hydraulic Conveying Congresses
621.8672 / INT